5 Reasons Why More Women Are Turning to Breast Reduction Than Ever Before

In their 2022 annual report, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons highlighted a surprising trend — between 2019 and 2022, breast reduction surgeries in the United States jumped by 54% to more than 71,000.
What they found was very interesting, which is why Dr. Trent Fogleman and the team here at Cosmetic Surgery Center want to focus on some of the reasons why more people are reducing, rather than augmenting, their breast size. Spoiler alert — many of the reasons are tied to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
1. Getting active
After the global pandemic, many Americans refocused their efforts on fitness. Whether they gained the quarantine 15 or because health was top of mind for everyone, people prioritized getting active.
For women with large breasts, going for a simple run can be an exercise in discomfort. In fact, any activity that involves moving around can be cumbersome for people with overly large breasts.
So, in order to focus on fitness, many people opted for breast reduction to remove the hurdle that stood between them and an active life.
2. Working, and recovering, remotely
Millions of people in the US were sent home to work remotely during the pandemic and, now that we’re on the other side of the health crisis, many people have chosen to continue this practice. More than a third of people (35%) who can work from home do so on a permanent basis now.
So, now people can undergo procedures like a breast reduction and recover from home while continuing to work.
3. Having extra spending money
Travel and other costly activities came grinding to a halt during the pandemic, which allowed people to sock away a little more money. Some people are now spending this money to achieve their cosmetic goals, such as breast reduction.
4. Focusing on mental health
The pandemic certainly put the spotlight on mental health, and this spotlight continues to shine, which is a good thing. As a result, more people are paying attention to mental health needs and focusing on happiness.
For some women, that happiness can come from a change in their breast size, in both directions. So, for women who struggled with large breasts and didn’t appreciate how they drew attention, breast reduction can be a great way to change the focus.
In other words, women (and men!) are empowering themselves by changing their narratives, oftentimes physically through plastic surgery.
5. Sharing stories
Lastly, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons points to social media and storytelling as another driver behind the increase in breast reduction procedures. More women are taking to the digital world to share their stories and experiences. These stories inspire others to make changes, especially when they can hear a firsthand account of the breast reduction journey.
Whatever the reason, we want you to know that Dr. Fogleman excels in breast surgery, so you’re in very good hands when it comes to a breast reduction.
To explore the pros and cons of breast reduction surgery for your goals, we invite you to contact our office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to schedule a consultation.
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