When to Consider Breast Implant Removal

You made the leap to bigger breasts through breast augmentation, but now you’d like to reverse that decision. Thankfully, you can -- through our breast implant removal and revision services.

When it comes to achieving your aesthetic and wellness goals, Dr. Trent Fogleman and Dr. Paul Benien Jr. have the experience and expertise you can rely on to get the job done right. From breast augmentation to breast implant removal, the team here at Cosmetic Surgery Center provides cosmetic procedures to meet every need.

In the following, we explore some of the many reasons why women choose to have their breast implants removed and how we perform the procedure.

Reversing your decision

In 2019, nearly 34,000 women in the United States opted for breast implant removal for a variety of reasons, including:

Implant malfunction 

Whether you choose saline or silicone implants, both can potentially rupture. When a saline implant ruptures, your body easily absorbs the saline fluid, but we still need to go in and revise, replace, or remove the implant. When a silicone implant ruptures, silicone doesn’t generally seep out, but we still need to replace or remove the implant.

Outside of rupture, other implant malfunctions include folding or rippling, which can develop with saline implants.

Capsular contracture

When we place an implant, we want scar tissue to form around the implant to hold it in place. A small number of women, however, develop tough scar tissue that contracts, placing pressure on the implant and causing discomfort.

A change of heart

While health issues and malfunctioning implants are certainly great reasons to consider breast implant removal, many women opt for the procedure because of a change of heart. Perhaps your implants have served you well, but you’d prefer to go back down to your normal size as you get older. Whatever your reason for changing your mind about your implants, we’re here to help.

Removing your breast implants

The procedure for removing your breast implants often depends upon what type of implant and whether we’re also removing the capsule at the same time. That said, we can give you some idea of what to expect. 

First, we sedate you and then make a discreet incision, often below your breast, to access the implant. Once we remove the implant and any tissue necessary, we suture the area.

When you come out of sedation, you’re most likely free to go home, where you should take it easy for a few days to allow time for your body to heal. We supply you with complete aftercare instructions for your recovery at home.

If you have more questions about breast implant removal, contact our office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to set up a consultation.

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